Deposit & Withdraw

Available Crypto

  • BTC

  • ETH

  • XRP

  • USDT

Minimum Deposit/Withdrawal Amount & Withdrawal Fee


Minimum Withdrawal

Withdrawal Fee


B 0.001



$ 10

$ 3 (ERC-20) $ 1 (TRC-20)







How to Deposit

  1. Click Token Management page on the left navigation bar

  2. Choose which crypto you want to deposit

  3. Click [Create Address] to create a deposit address.

  4. Send crypto to this deposit address

That’s it. Now you have your personal address in Sandbank and you can deposit crypto at this address. BTC will be credited to your account after 1 confirmation and after 6 confirmations are made, an equivalent amount is available for withdrawals. USDT(ERC-20) will be credited into your account after 12 confirmations and available for withdrawals as well.

How to Withdraw

  1. Click Token Management page

  2. Choose which crypto you want to withdraw

  3. Type to address, amount you want to transfer

  4. Pass OTP security

CAUTION: once a transaction is broadcasted on a blockchain, it's irreversible. So, please check again what you type in [to address] and [amount]

Deposit & Withdrawal Halt

Under the situations of site error, the threat of cyber attack, crypto forking, unstable blockchain network, Sandbank can halt the crypto deposit or withdrawal.


Your digital assets are stored securely in Octet Wallet.

Octet Wallet is the most secure and easy-to-use wallet solution for digital assets. The keys to access the deposit in the wallet are stored separately, and through this, even if some of them are lost, they can be recovered. In addition, some keys are kept securely in an environment where network access is completely blocked. Hexlant, which provides Octet Wallet, is a company founded by the top blockchain experts in Korea.

Last updated